Khoa Tran

Abstract swirl from Windows 11
Hi, I'm Khoa!
khoa@dev:~whoami --detailed
Experience As:
  • Software Developer
  • Biomedical Engineer & Researcher

Proficient In:
  • Python/Algorithm Development
  • Front-End/GUI Development

Interested In:
  • Front-End/Back-End/Full-Stack Development
  • ML, AI, & Computer Vision
  • Learning More!


Master's ThesisClassification of Motion-Mode Ultrasound Images Obtained Using Wearable Ultrasonic Sensor for Automated Lung Monitoring
MacOS Monterey dark backgroundThesis in Microsoft Word application and VSCode
Successfully defended Aug 2023!
Nominated for Senate Medal
Desktop ApplicationUltrasound Data Analysis GUI
MacOS Ventura dark backgroundUltrasound data analysis GUI desktop application
PublicationWearable Ultrasound Assessment of Lung Sliding in M-Mode: A Phantom Simulation-Based Study
3D Blender model of a wearable ultrasound sensor
Published June 2022.
PresentationEstimation of Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Using Gaussian Model of Ultrasound Envelope Signals
Sum of Gaussians
Presented November 2021.
3rd Place
Preliminary StudyUltrasound Tongue Image Sequence Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network
M-mode ultrasound image of tongue when saying 'Alpha'
Presented March 2022.



I am currently looking for new opportunities. Feel free to say hello!

Khoa TranSoftware Developer | Researcher